About ASBN

Learn business, Learn Southeast Asia.

ASEAN School of Business Network (ASBN) is a single platform that is designed to support International programs and activities among its members. ASBN was formed on November 30th, 2023, with four universities as the co-founders, namely Universitas Islam Indonesia (Indonesia), Rangsit University (Thailand), Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (Malaysia), and Eastern Visayas State University (Philippines). This platform initially discussed by the co-founders under the name of the ASEAN School of Business Forum – ASBF, before it was agreed to change the name to ASBN.

The Objectives of ASBN:

  • Strengthening and developing mutual benefits in the field of education and research under the ASEAN Business School network 
  • Facilitating the exchange of knowledge and information through student and staff exchange, joint or double degree programs, joint research, lecture series programs, international conferences, seminars, training, and projects.

ASBN focuses on the following program (but is not limited to):

  • ASEAN Week that consists of the ASBN International Conference, Seminar, and International Student Mobility
  • The collaboration agenda includes Teaching & Learning, Research, and Community Services.