Author Guidelines for Proceedings

1st International Conference of ASEAN School of Business Network (ASBN)

A. Introduction and General

1. Introduction

To ensure a smooth and efficient publication process, authors are kindly requested to adhere to the following guidelines when preparing their final manuscripts. Following these guidelines will expedite the publication timeline and significantly enhance your study’s discoverability. Extensive experience and established indexing practices, including those of Google Scholar and other abstracting and indexing services, demonstrate the importance of adhering to these formatting requirements.

2. General

  • Authors are required to utilize the provided template for manuscript preparation:
    • Page numbers, headers, and footers should be omitted
    • The layout and margins of the template (2.54 cm for top, bottom, left, and right) must be maintained.
    • To ensure a high-quality submission, authors are encouraged to employ a spell-checker and proofread their manuscripts thoroughly before submission.
  • Please be advised that manuscripts submitted are considered final, and alterations will not be possible after submission.

B. Frontmatter

1. Title Formatting

Authors are required to format manuscript titles according to APA style.

  • This necessitates capitalization of the first letter of each word, including Nouns, Verbs (including linking verbs), Adjectives, Adverbs, Pronouns, and All Words with four or more letters.
  • Conjunctions (three letters or fewer) such as “for,” “and,” or “or,” and short prepositions should remain lowercase.
  • Correct example: Spinning an Entrepreneurial Career: Motivation, Attribution, and the Development of Organizational Capabilities
  • Ensure the manuscript title is free of spelling errors.
  • If a subtitle is included, it should be positioned below the title in a smaller font size.

2. Author and Affiliation Information:

  • Authors’ names should be presented in the following format: first name, last name, separated by commas and without any punctuation (e.g., Ananada Songkrasin, Hafiz Ismail, Phung Ha). 
  • In cases where an author lacks a last name, simply repeat the first name (e.g., Amelia Amelia).
    • It is crucial to be aware that Google Scholar may not effectively index publications with authors who do not have a last name.
  • To designate the corresponding author, please place an asterisk (*) directly following their name within the author list. Additionally, a valid email address for the corresponding author is mandatory.
  • Each author’s affiliation details must be provided in English. This includes the department name, any relevant division within the department, institution/affiliated university, city, and country.
    • Example: Finance Department, National University of Singapore Business School, Singapore.
  • Affiliation identifiers (e.g., 1, 2, 3) should be included in superscript format and placed immediately following each author’s name. These identifiers must correspond with the affiliations listed in the same order.

3. Abstract Requirements

  • The submission of a comprehensive and accurate abstract is mandatory for all manuscripts. 
  • This abstract should effectively summarize the critical aspects of the study, including the research question, methodology, main findings, and significance.

4. Keywords

Manuscripts must include a minimum of three keywords that accurately capture the main ideas of your study. Separate keywords with commas (,).

C. Main Content

1. Manuscript Body

  • All headings should be appropriately nested.
  • Headings should be consistently nested using a numbering system (e.g., 1., 1.1., 1.1.1.).
  • Only the first-level heading should be formatted in uppercase (e.g., “1. INTRODUCTION”). All subsequent headings should utilize upper-lower-case formatting, mirroring the manuscript title style (e.g., “2.3. Analysis of Financial Metrics”).
  • To maintain a logical flow, avoid skipping heading levels. For instance, a third-level heading should not directly follow a first-level heading.
  • Ensure proper page layout by keeping headings and at least two subsequent lines of content on the same page. This prevents the creation of “orphan” or “widow” lines.

2. References and Citations

  • Every reference must be cited in the text.
  • Citations should be formatted consistently in line with conference organizer guidelines (if any).
  • All sources referenced within the manuscript must be explicitly cited in the text using a consistent and accurate referencing style. 
  • Authors are encouraged to adhere to the specific referencing style, namely APA.

3. Formatting Tables, Figures, and Lists

  • Utilize standard list styles.
  • Endeavor to position tables and figures close to their corresponding citations within the text.
  • All tables and figures must be sequentially numbered and accompanied by a descriptive caption. The caption should explicitly state the figure or table number and be placed in close proximity on the same page.
  • Ensure that tables, lists, or figures obscure no text or other manuscript elements.
  • For tables, utilize editable Word or LaTeX formats. Avoid including them as images or screenshots.

D. Reference List

  • Include the references at the end of the manuscript. The manuscript should conclude with a comprehensive reference list, adhering to a consistent and accurate referencing style (APA).
  • It is important to note that all references within the list must be presented in Roman script.